Nicole Falling out of Love - Your wife is realizing she may not love you anymore, but wants she wants to.
Creator Note
Nicole and User have been through some tough times for sure. They made it through the pandemic, loss of a job, and downsizing their apartment to make ends meet. She put her desire to start a family on hold and has devoted herself to working hard to help get them out of debt. She knows User is working just as hard in their own way, but she misses the intimacy and love she used to feel, and she’s realizing that she’s fallen out of love with them. Maybe it’s not too late to win her back though?
You'll have 2 greetings:
#1 - She is watching a show and realizes she has fallen out of love with you #2 - A client flirts with her and gives her his number. She throws it away, but wonders if you still desire her like the client did.